Clinton Unveils Plan for Tighter Gun Control Including Executive Action

The Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton has finally decided to dive head first into current events. Before now, Clinton has tried to avoid these subjects, probably because she can’t fit it in between answering questions about the email scandal, but now she is answering her before avoided questions. On Monday, Clinton proposed tighter gun-control measures, including expanded background checks, and suggested that if elected she would use executive powers to meet her goals. Clinton will unveil more details about her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire.
In my opinion, Clinton muttered two phrases in her statement that shows me her ignorance and that she is incompetent to hold office. The first quote is, “I want to push hard to get more sensible restraints,” Clinton said on NBC’s “Today” show. “I want to work with Congress, but I will look at ways as president.” To me, this shows that even though congress may rule against her, she doesn’t care because she will find a way to make it work as president. Her role as president is not when people vote against her to find a loophole and pass whatever she wants, that is why checks and balances were implemented in the early stages of our growing government. Basically, for a bill to pass, it would have to be proposed, I’m assuming by her, and it would have to get voted through by congress. Basically what she is saying is that even if it doesn’t pass through congress, she will find a way to make it happen. The ignorance in a statement like that is completely stunning.
“I’m going to try in every way,” Clinton said Monday. “I am going to get those guns out of people’s hands.” This quote just further proves what I just stated. As any government official, your job is to make the country better for the people. Although that may not be what the congress and senate are filled with, that is how it is supposed to be. When another branch of government objects against your bill, she as president could veto it or whatever, but is that really what we want in a presidential candidate? Someone who advertises their power and basically rubs it in your face? All we hear now is how we have such an ignorant president, but if we elect Hillary we are totally contradicting ourselves in that very way. Clinton is showing the signs of becoming a show-off president, which is the root of our problems with Obama. If a candidate is flaunting their potential power before they even gain it, is that what we want representing us?

Based off of this article from Fox News:

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