Respecting Your Country

Respect, a large word you will always know the meaning of.  Respecting for some people is a totally different thing.  When certain people hear respect your country that completley blows their minds.  If you are one of those people then keep reading, there are some easy solutions. You just have to find them.

Have you ever walked outside and a can of something rolls by like tumbleweed.  Do you walk away or go pick up the trash?  We all know that the right thing to do would be to go pick it up, but is that what we do?  Now if it was Justin Biebers trash you defiantly would go pick it up becase you could possibly make amiilion dollar,  but what if it was just a normal person like me and you.  You get my point.  Now lets try something a little bit harder.  Lets say the president walks by.  He wasn’t the exact one that your parents voted for, but he does have one of the most important and hard jobs in the world.  You have to respect him or her just for that.  Now with that being said what would you do now.  Would you stick your head out the window and scream at h im or would you run up and say hi.

Lets try something different.  Okay, so you know that you say the pledge every morning,but do you know why.  You do it because there are people all over the world fighting for you and your freedom.  Those men and women are risking their lives for you.  They are the least bit selfish.  If you respect the people who fight for you and try to do good things for you then you are on the right track for a respectful life.


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